Norfolk Autism Partnership

Orginisation’s Name: Norfolk Autims Partnership
Contact Number: 01362 685860

Room 412-416, Breckland Business Centre, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1FD

The All-age Norfolk Autism partnership was set up to respond to the Autism Act. It aims to help develop improved services for children, young people and adults who have, or who may have autism.

The All-age Norfolk Autism Partnership (NAP) is a collaboration of autistic people, their parents/carers, autism service providers, and voluntary and statutory organisations. Members of the Board, while not obligated, offer their resources to manage the partnership.

There are many different ways to get involved in the work of the Norfolk Autism Partnership:

  • Subscribe to our newsletter
  • Give feedback on work in development to improve support and services for autistic people
  • Attend the Autism Norfolk Forum.
  • Get involved in the priority work of the Board through being a member of a working group.
  • Get involved in the priority work of the Board through being a member of the Board.


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