Family Voice Norfolk

Orginisation’s Name: Family Voice Norfolk
Contact Number: 07749 604594

Family Voice Norfolk
Ayton House
11 Ayton Road
NR18 0QQ

Family Voice Norfolk is the parent carer forum for Norfolk. We work with (not for) the local authority, health and social services to improve services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and their families.

We are not a support or information service, but communication is key to what we do. We listen to the experiences and wishes of families and make sure that those views are heard by those providing services, so that we can be part of every stage of planning and decision-making. Wherever possible, we aim to work in co-production.

We are an independent, voluntary organisation, funded by the Department for Education, Norfolk County Council and the Norfolk and Waveney ICB – Integrated Care Board.

Cost of Service: £0.00

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